HMS Health is proud to announce we are now a Sophos Authorized Partner. Sophos protects nearly 400,000 organizations of all sizes in more than 150 countries from today’s most advanced cyberthreats. Sophos’ solutions secure laptops, servers, mobile devices and networks against evolving cybercriminal tactics and techniques. We are excited to increase our cybersecurity services with Sophos products.
Join your colleagues for the 2020 HTM Mixer with two days of networking, education and fun
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino
1721 W Canal St.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Visit us at booth 621 at the AAMI Exchange in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The AAMI Exchange is the premier global health technology event that connects healthcare technology management (HTM) professionals, biomedical and clinical engineers, technicians, cybersecurity and sterilization experts, hospital administrators and managers, and the industry’s leading service and solution providers. The AAMI Exchange provides a forum for broad conversations among these stakeholders on the ever-changing industry of medical technology.
Talk to one of our representatives about how our solutions can benefit your business.
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